Welcome to the Gorilla Sun Blog! Here you'll find out a little bit more about me and what the Gorilla Sun Blog is all about!

Hi, I'm Ahmad, and this is the Gorilla Sun Blog.
On here you'll find content that revolves around generative art, creative coding, programming, web3 stuff as well as other contemporary tech topics. Sometimes I'll also just write about other nerdy things that interest me personally.
I started this blog in January 2021 and my life has revolved around it since then. The site has undergone several changes up until now, stylistic and technical ones.
And it's likely that it hasn't reached it's final form yet. But that's for the sake of improvement, to make easier for me to push more content, more frequently, and at the same time make it easier for you to read my posts and navigate the site.
If you find anything that needs fixing, don't hesitate to shoot me a message about it!
About me
Hi, my real name is Ahmad Moussa, but on the internet I make things under the alias of Gorilla Sun.
Why Gorilla Sun? Because it's marginally easier to pronounce than my real name and I like the ring of it.
Besides that, I have a background in computer science, in which I did my bachelors and masters. Later I dabbled for a little bit in Machine Learning research, but ultimately found creative work to be much more fulfilling in comparison.
My main interest nowadays is making art with computers, and exploring how different visual concepts can be brought to life with algorithm and code. I find it to be a new and exciting topic that we've only scratched the surface of.
I love generative art, I love programming, I love writing and I love creating and making things. Being creative is one of the things that brings me the most joy in life. And I want to share the joy of creation with the world.
One of the things that frustrated me the most while learning how to program was the lack of resources online. Sometimes it was very difficult to find meaningful explanations that helped get leeway on certain technical topics. My goal is to remedy this with topics that I find interesting, and help others find a foothold in the world of programming and creative coding.
Thanks for Reading
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Thank you! Happy sketching and Cheers!